4 Francis Rd Holistic Health Centre

has carefully chosen therapists to enhance all aspects of well being through individual consultations, workshops and groups.



Ulrike (2)


Holistic Therapist Kinesiology and Hypnotherapy

Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator
Body Process Facilitator

Meditation Teacher

Om Chanting Facilitator

Claudia and Quintin IMG

Quintin Muller and
Claudia Daubermann

Briget Hurley


Romy Morsner


Quintin is a Breathwork, meditation facilitator, and yoga Nidra Coach

Claudia is a Women’s Holistic Wellness coach

Clairsentient Reader
Therapeutic massage
Guided meditation therapist
Regression therapist

Holistic Counsellor (ASCHP), Psychic Medium

Referral Story

My story – the high level version

My story starts long after most of the events that shaped my life took place. It starts with reaching rock bottom and a realization that something in my life had to change.

At this time, I was working for an organisation that did not see and appreciate all the skills and experience that I had to offer. I was over-worked, underpaid, over-stressed and in fact completely burnt out. I felt that I was undeserving of my awesome, loving husband who was the only one keeping me standing.

It was only when I was sitting in a corner of the bathroom, unable to get myself off the floor, crying so much and so long that I couldn’t breathe anymore that I realized how low I was.

A friend of mine introduced me to her kinesiologist (Margaret) and I thought – “what the hell, I have nothing to lose”. I made an appointment for this treatment that I knew absolutely nothing about and started a journey that would completely transform my life.

During the past decade, with Margaret walking besides me, I’ve faced historical family trauma (rejection, physical and emotional abuse), the death of beloved pets and family members, break-ins at our house, car accidents, job changes and starting my own business. I’ve learnt skills to cope with my limiting beliefs of not being good enough and having to do everything perfect to be loved, accepted, and appreciated.

I believe that the holistic therapy offered by Margaret has been the change I needed. There is not just a focus on exploring how bad your childhood was or how bad your current situation is. The focus of our sessions remains on what we can do to make it better, look towards the future while acknowledging the present situation with all the emotions linked to it. Having someone who sees everything from a different angle, from outside of the situation really makes it all work.

I have realized that my sessions every 4-6 weeks are not a luxury, it is absolutely necessary to help me focus on what I can change and to remind me that I am an awesome, strong, beautiful woman who can do anything that I put my mind to.
- Gloria
I met Margaret about 10 years ago at a friend’s birthday function.

I asked her what she did and she told me. I said “well I think I need to come see you …” little did I know how much my life would change for the better. Little did I know that there was a better way to live, and little did I know how much hurt, anger and dysfunction I was carrying. At that point I lived a pretty good life, but everything was a struggle, and there was always some form of drama or calamity in my life. Always something catastrophic which needed to be sorted out, and which conveniently kept my focus away from myself and honouring ME. I carried so much anger always, not even realising how self-destroying it was, and how much energy my anger took from me. I was constantly in survival mode – it became a way of life.

My healing journey started with Margaret, one visit at a time, small steps, small realisations, and slowly seeing how dysfunctional patterns and childhood traumas affected so many areas of my life and being. And slowly we began sorting through years of barriers, defenses, undealt trauma and issues. I had lots of unlearning to do. Through her various techniques and healing methods Margaret started rebuilding, healing, bettering and correcting my being. A single session with her achieved more than any doctor or therapist could do in weeks. She works on so many levels at once and manages to cut right down to the root of the problem as she is guided. Always gentle, always loving and caring.

If I look back at photos of 10 years ago, I can hardly recognise the scared, insecure, fragile version of me. On this new path I’ve learned to put myself first, honouring me and my purpose, putting out boundaries, saying NO confidently (and calmly), expressing myself and managing conflict. As a family we learned that there can be disagreement and expression of opinions and feelings without the drama. It took some time but the anger that was always present has made space for love, for calmness, for understanding. My journey and learnings are far from over, and we all have some triggers and areas which need healing, but through my sessions with Margaret I have also learned to recognise my triggers and insecure areas.

By now Margaret knows my ins and outs, my family, history, relationships, work and life challenges – all very intimately. With her help I have been able to navigate my way through it. I don’t make any major life decisions or changes before seeing her and receiving her guidance in my life. I would not be where I am today, in work, relationships, personal goals and achievements, and financially without Margaret.

Once we start healing the past, dealing with its effects, breaking generational patterns of trauma, abuse, hurt, and survival, we can start receiving all the abundance life and the universe has for us and step into our purpose with confidence. Everyone needs Margaret, and I lovingly encourage you to make an appointment and take the 1st step on your healing journey with her.
- Anonymous